The Platform

The ADP is powered by the UK Secure e-Research Platform (UKSeRP) developed at Swansea University. UKSeRP is a high powered data management and sharing technology. The platform utilises carefully designed Information Governance to ensure person-based data with high privacy risk is managed to the highest standards. The UKSeRP is ISO 27001 certified.

All data held on the ADP is anonymised. By using international best practice, it is processed to remove any identifiable datasets before it is stored on our platform and will only ever be used for genuine research purposes where there is a potential for benefit.

Data linkage is a process whereby multiple datasets are combined for research purposes. The Adolescent Mental Health Data Platform provides a service, which allows researchers to use data available in the platform, which they have been given permission to use in a securely designed analysis environment.

A trusted NHS third party is enlisted to remove any identifiable properties from the data they receive and replaces this with a unique code. This code will then link up again with the data that has been sent to the Adolescent Mental Health Data Platform. This process of anonymisation protects confidential information whilst allowing for research analysis. Researchers are only given data relevant to their research question.

The ADP allows access to the data using a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), a secure and protected environment free from the risk of external linkage and breach of individual privacy. Approved users are only able to access this virtual interface with a two-factor authentication system: a username and password along with a yubikey.

The VDI offers access from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. It provides all the tools necessary to analyse the data in a standard windows desktop including R, SAS, STATA, SPSS and others. Any bespoke software that may be required can be pre-installed if approved.

Data is never released from ADP servers. Data that researchers would like to generate figures, images or tables from is examined for anything potentially identifiable before being released after a review period.